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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta today. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sexta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2018

Today's windows

Do not see the world with your routine
Not even with your retina
Do not be cretin
Minds are not jello
Do not lie to the fine people

There are people who line up.
one day produces harassment
door of incompetent fame
then use harassment as a flag

Your mission was never clear
But today, it has never been so dark
Nothing brings to the minds
No Order of Believers

Mind with all your teeth
Fool the soul of the people
Cry for the urgent truth
And shut your lies to the people

It's no coincidence
Just see the audience
Money has always corrupted you.
After all, who corrupts who ...

Many of you were expecting
Others of you depended
One day, it was the world's window.
Today is just the window of hell

Inspired for (Rap)
By: Marcos Liotti

segunda-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2017

The apple of today

I'm different, I know.
I see everything different.
I'm crazy and mad too.
As the apple man said.

You live in the Oligarchy.
They call it Democracy.
They did not even imagine the Greeks.
That its Democracy.
There would be a great anarchy.

The economic monarchy arrests you.
on the alienation of having
Fame, success, things ...
We are slaves, I know.
We live in the freedom of the law.

Adorned in gold.
live the human deities
Pharaohs of their bondage.
modern minimum wage slaves.
thousand years in prison.
nothing is different from before.
And the obelisks abound in squares.
of pagan worshipers ...

Alien causes terror
invade our race
Fear, xenophobia and disgrace.
It makes the world dull.

But there in that square.
there is always that flower.
the great farce.

In the deafening silence of the good.
In the empty noise of tyrants
In search of uranium can
Bad know how to handle your own pain.

The apple of the sin of yore.
sin of the holy men of the now.
which satisfies millions of bodies now.
The apple of today !?
It's to be different in the now.

An apple of today ...
(Inspirational lyrics for Hip Hop)
by: Marcos Liotti